【HP】高H同人合集【哈利波特】_爱的模样(完)【H】 首页

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   爱的模样(完)【H】 (第1/6页)

    “Do you remember the first time we met, Amore?”(你还记得我们初次相见的情景吗,爱茉尔?)


    “Hmmm, fifth year’s first DADA class… We were outside. The sun was perfect. You taught us how to deal with Red Caps.”(嗯……五年级第一堂课……我们在外面。阳光正好。你教我们怎么对付红帽子。)


    “Think further back. We were in Nocturne Alley, and you were——”(往回想想,我们在翻倒巷,你那时候——),他比划个手势, “——you were wee big.”(——你才这么高。)




    “That was you?!”(那是你?!)




    “Honestly, I still can’t quite fathom why I did that… Not that I regret lending a hand, mind you. It’s just—well, it’s not exactly the sort of thing I’d usually do.”(说真的,我也不太清楚我当时为什么会那样做……不是说我后悔帮忙,只是……这并不是我通常会做的事。)


    “I suppose you reminded me of myself on that first solo trip. I only wish someone had done the same for me back then.”(我想,你大概让我想起了我独自一人第一次去斜角巷的模样。我希望当时能有人也为我这么做。)


    “You know, it’s moments like these that make me realize you’re a lot kinder and warmer than you let on. You may not admit it, but what you do speak volumes. And for what it’s worth, I’m truly grateful for it.”(你知道,正是现在这样的时刻让我觉得你实际上比你表现出的要温暖和善良得多。你可能不愿意承认,但你的行为已经说明了一切。无论如何,我真的很感激这一点。)


    “You give me too much credit. I’m not quite the saint you think I am. But… I suppose I don’t mind if you see it that way.”(你把我想得太好了。我并不像你认为的那样无私。不过……如果你愿意这么看,我倒也不介意。)

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